Abail and Roque Barres, 24510 Lower Canyon were very surprised when they came home from out of town to see the YARD OF THE MONTH sign in their yard.
They have lived in Falcon Ranch for 15 years and are so honored to receive this award. They work hard to keep their flower gardens and yard aesthetically appealing.
Abail designs the flower gardens and Roque does the labor. The finished product is Beautiful - Great Team Work. Their back yard is as beautifully designed as the front.
Abail and Roque love living in Falcon Ranch. They described it as calm and peaceful, safe and friendly.
Thank you Abail and Roque for your contribution to making Falcon Ranch a great place to
Honorable Mention Winners
2835 Manor Ridge
2803 Manor Ridge
2811 Sienna Terrace
24514 Swallows Cove
24843 High Desert
2407 Laurel Walk Ln
2403 Laurel Walk Ln
24723 Laurel Chase
2323 Golden Mews
2118 Great Prairie Ln
2102 Cactus Bloom
On behalf of the Falcon Ranch HOA, thank you to all of the winners for making our Community so beautiful and great place To Live